
Chicago Med Recap 03/01/23: Season 8 Episode 15 Those Times You Have To Cross The Line

Chicago Med Recap 03/01/23: Season 8 Episode 15 "Those Times You Have To Cross The Line"

Tonight on NBC their medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Wednesday, March 1, 2023, episode, and we have your Chicago Med recap below. In tonight’s Chicago Med season, 8 episode 15 called, “Those Times You Have To Cross The Line,” as per the NBC synopsis, “The hospital is in disarray when the janitors go on strike. Crockett treats a young girl injured on her family’s farm.

Charles and Nellie’s schizophrenic patient returns to Med. Archer encounters a patient with foreign material in her stomach.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Chicago Med recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Tonight’s episode begins with the cleaning staff who went on strike. They could be heard as well as seen outside of the hospital picketing. Dr. Daniel Charles couldn’t give an interview about the strike because it would break his contract, but he figured the least he could do was wait outside with the cleaning staff and picket alongside them. He wanted to show them that he supported them. He also wanted to show Lilliana that he does respect her work at the hospital. They were kinda dating after all. He was still trying to impress her and the picketing thing gave him the best chance to do so. And thankfully he was still in the area when an old patient came in.

Remember David Sullivan. David was a teenager that first came in suffering a paranoid delusions. Daniel and his psych intern Nellie had diagnosed David as schizophrenic when they first met him. Only David’s parents hadn’t wanted to believe their child was sick back then. They called the hospital liars. They checked David out without seeking treatment and they tried to handle his condition on his own. It of course didn’t work out for them or for David. David was mentally ill. He almost killed himself. They had to come back to the hospital and only then were they willing to admit he might have a condition.

David went on medication. The family tried to deal with his condition as best they could until one day David stopped eating. David didn’t want to eat or be touched. He told everyone that he was dead. His parents dragged him back to the hospital to find out what went wrong. Nellie saw him. She tried to treat him on her own and she failed to make a connection with him because he recognized her as the one who gave him medication. He said she’s the reason he’s dead. David was hallucinating that he was dead because he began feeling off ever since he went on the medication.

It also didn’t help that the voices were telling him that he was dead now that he was refusing to take his pills. David was doing really well on medications until he decided to fight against them because he didn’t feel right inside after taking them and now he thinks he’s dead. Nellie tried dealing with him on her own. She later had to call in Daniel because David tried to get physical with her. Daniel excused himself from the picketing and he looked through David’s file. They were working on the best plan to treat him as the rest of the hospital was dealing with the cleaning strike.

They brought in scabs to fill in for those on strike. But these new janitors were lazy. There was this one guy named Jacob who was always on his phone and he didn’t clean up after the patients when they left. Maggie had to ask Doris to help her prep the rooms. Maggie was also helping where she could. Not that everyone was appreciative. Dr. Will Halstead personally hated using the scabs. He grew up in a working class family and he believed in fighting for unions. He tried to talk Sharon into resolving the issue faster. And she told him that she was doing the best she could.

The hospital had to keep running in the meantime. Maggie was there when a young girl had to be helicoptered in. The little girl was working on her family’s farm when she injured her leg and her GP even came with her to the hospital. His name was Dr. Loren Johnson. He stayed with Abby all throughout surgery. He was there when Crockett chose to save the leg rather than amputate it. Only Crocket decided to call in CPS because he said the kid should never have been near the machine much less get injured by one.

Maggie tried to reason with him. The same was said for Loren as well. They both knew what life was like on the farm and that kids often pitched in because that was the way of life out there. But Crocket felt differently about it. He didn’t think kids should be put to work. He didn’t think they should be unsupervised. He said that little girl came close to losing her leg because her parents were reckless with her life and that’s why he called CPS. There was nothing that Maggie could say that would sway him to the other side.

Then the hospital nearly went on lockdown because they thought they were experiencing a contagious disease. A man named Walter came in with fever symptoms and he’s had it more than a week. Will ran every possible test on him. Nothing came back for what was wrong with him. Will was getting frustrated at that point when Dr. Grace Song offered to help. She looked at the symptoms. She used her software to identify it as the bubonic plague. There was a recent case in Sacramento. Walter had been in the area hiking and so they thought it was the plague.

Until Doris developed the same symptoms. It wasn’t plague. It was bed bugs. The new janitors haven’t been cleaning the sheets like they were supposed to and so bed bugs have spread in the hospital. Sharon got angry with the scabs. She tried to convince the board to get back their cleaning staff and that’s when she was told that Jack didn’t want to give in unless the union conceded on certain points. They were trying to save money when all they did was leave the hospital open to lawsuits from the begs bugs situation.

Daniel meanwhile came up with an ingenious plan to help David. He convinced David that they could perform a Frankenstein procedure on him and that they could stop him from being dead. It was just a way of giving David shock treatment on top of putting him back on his medication. But it worked. David began feeling better. His parents could finally take a breath and Daniel returned to Lillianna to learn that the hospital finally caved. They came to an agreement with the union. The cleaning staff were coming back and the scabs were going home.

Walter was still ticked off for getting bed bugs at the hospital only Will didn’t judge him for it. As for Nellie, she couldn’t get through to David on her own and thankfully she was able to help another patient with Dr. Archer’s help. And the whole thing taught Archer its okay to be vulnerable in front his son.

But Crocket realized Abby had went near the machine against her parents’ wishes. She broke the rule and so the parents were keeping her safe when this happened. That alone convinced Crocket not to report what happened to CPS.



Martina Birk

Update: 2024-07-15